Executive Times |
Volume 3,
Issue 6 |
June 2001 |
ă 2001 Hopkins and Company, LLC Note re: links---certain
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available when you try to go to the site. DefectionThe word used most often
in media reports recently to describe Vermont Senator James Jeffords
switch from the Republican Party to become independent has been “defection.”
When we checked www.dictionary.com
for definitions of this word, we liked the version “the act of abandoning a
cause to which one has attached himself.” On further examination, we saw a
use in Middle English from the Latin defectus, “to be wanting.”
Organizations attract people with common interest in the causes or mission of
the organization. Those who disagree with the direction of the organization,
or who are left wanting, defect, and the organization goes on, for better or
worse without the talents of the defector. Process flaws are also referred to
as “defects” and companies spend significant time and money trying to lower
the defect rate. What attracts people to
your organization, and what keeps them aligned with the causes and actions of
the company? What makes certain individuals feel comfortable working at your
company, and why do others leave? What would cause you “to be wanting” from
the ways in which your organization lets you down? How does your company deal
with people who no longer work there? How often are your comments, opinions
and positions at odds with others in your organization? What would cause your
company to defect from a business relationship with a valued partner? What
defect rates will you decide to lower this year? One Vote Short of Unanimous When we read about the
actions of boards of directors, especially when voting specific actions
recommended for shareholder approval, we usually find that the votes are
unanimous. When we noticed the action by the board of Wachovia Bank
recently in rejecting a bid from SunTrust to buy the bank, the vote
was reported as 14-1. The majority of directors prefer the friendly deal
between Wachovia and First Union to the hostile bid from SunTrust. The
Wall Street Journal (5/24/01) (http://interactive.wsj.com/archive/retrieve.cgi?id=SB990635555813326838.djm) identified the dissident as Morris Offit,
second largest shareholder among the directors. “When it came time for the
board to vote, Mr. Offit explained he wouldn't reject the SunTrust offer
because he liked the SunTrust business model and thought the cultural
compatibility of SunTrust and Wachovia was better than that of First Union
and Wachovia. Mr. Offit also raised concerns earlier in the meeting about
whether Wachovia management and its advisers had adequately disclosed details
of SunTrust's overtures. Other directors believed they had been adequately
informed.” While investor reaction to the First Union/Wachovia deal has been
positive, SunTrust continues its hostile offer, and the fact of Offit’s vote
helps to support SunTrust’s case to shareholders. How
likely would you have been to be the dissenting vote on such a significant
action? How firm are your positions and opinions, and how willing are you to
stand for them against an overwhelming majority that takes a different
position? What differences do you have that are strong enough to lead you to
defect? In your leadership roles, how important is unanimity? How many
dissenting votes can you afford? How well do you recognize the dissent that
may be there? Rust on Their Trust Top executives of Bridgestone/Firestone
and Ford Motor Company continue their mutual blame game over whether
tires or cars are causing accidents, and each have acted dramatically in
recent weeks to limit ongoing damage to their companies. Each uses data to
support one position and refute another. Days before Ford announced its own
expanded recall of Firestone tires, Firestone CEO John Lampe sent Ford
CEO Jacques Nasser a letter
terminating the century-long relationship between the firms. Lampe said,
“Business relationships, like personal ones, are based upon trust and mutual
respect. We have come to the conclusion that we can no longer supply tires to
Ford since the basic foundation of our relationship has been seriously
eroded.” Nasser responded
by saying, “We are deeply disappointed that upon hearing and
seeing this analysis of Firestone Wilderness AT tires, Firestone decided not
to work together for the safety of our shared customers, which is the only
issue that matters.” We can expect to hear more about the defects on the
cars, the tires, the brands, the relationships and the earnings of both
Firestone and Ford. Under what
circumstances would you sever a relationship? How well do you articulate your
expectations of your business partners? Given your observations of the
behavior of executives at Ford and Firestone, what would you do the same or
different from what they did? Freedom From Want Customer loyalty and
retention is a concern for most executives. How far should a company be
willing to go to avoid customer defection? Mike Ruettgers, CEO of EMC
Corp., tested that willingness early in his career with that company. We
read an interview in the June 2001 issue of Fast Company (http://www.fastcompany.com/online/47/emccorp.html)
that after customer meetings where he heard horror stories about EMC data
storage devices freezing up and customers not having access to data, he
devised a bold strategy. “To make customers whole again, he insisted that
they be given a choice: receive a new EMC storage system, or take one made by
archrival IBM - but paid for by EMC. So many customers opted for IBM that
during one quarter in 1989, at the height of the fiasco, most of the storage
systems shipped by EMC were actually made by its biggest competitor.”
Customers recognized EMC’s commitment to stick with them, and once quality
control on EMC devices was improved, customers bought the EMC-made products
again. Ruettgers said, “What that proved to me, to
all of us, was that when a customer believes in you, and you go to great
lengths to preserve that relationship, they'll stick with you almost no
matter what.” To what extent do your
customers believe in you? How likely are they to stick with you? If your
products or solutions were found wanting by a customer, how willing would you
be to deliver a competitor’s solution to your customer? What have you done to
minimize the chances of customer defection? What can you do next? Wanting Another Job We’ve offered career
advice for executives in a consistent manner for a long time: the best way to
get a better job is to do your current job in an exemplary way. One executive
we’ve watched, Deborah Hopkins (no relation), has taken a different
path. She’s let the world know she wants to move from CFO positions to CEO,
and she’s made lots of job moves in what so far has been a failed attempt to
achieve her objective. She moved from Unisys to General Motors
to Boeing to Lucent, growing impatient with each employer when
her goal didn’t seem imminent. Her Boeing tenure was 16 months, and in May
2001, after about a year with Lucent, she was fired in what the business
press reported as a personality clash with returning Lucent CEO Henry
Schacht. In hindsight, Boeing improved since her departure, and Lucent
has been in a dive since her arrival. Stay tuned to see whether she achieves
her goal with another employer. When you know what you
want, and you’re not getting it from your current employer, how long are you
willing to wait around? How well matched is your personality with other
executives on your team? How likely is it that you or others on your team
will defect? What can you do to prevent unwanted employee defection, or how
quickly are you prepared to act to drop a non-team player? Wise GuysThe Vision Thing
We read two fascinating
interviews with executives recently. Wired interviewed Intel’s Andy
Grove in its June 2001 issue (http://www.wired.com/wired/archive/9.06/intel.html).
Some readers of his books and observers of Intel may have concluded that
Grove’s confidence and clarity come from genius and knowledge. We were glad
to read that his wisdom goes deeper: “When you are
in a strategic transformation, you kind of get lost. Part of you would want
to retreat back to doing what you know how to do, because it's familiar,
because you know what you're good at, you know where the problems are. But
your intellect tells you that's not where you really want to be. So you
strike out in a new direction. In a way, you have to feign more confidence
than you feel, and you have to be convincing enough and courageous enough
that you can affect the rest of the organization to follow you. You can
course-correct as you go.” You may also enjoy reading about the money he’s
lost investing in amazon.com and Webvan. Even smart and successful
executives can get lost. Herb
Kelleher reminisces on
what it took to build Southwest Airways in an interview in Fortune’s
May 28, 2001 issue (http://www.fortune.com/indexw.jhtml?channel=artcol.jhtml&doc_id=202450).
Here’s one of our favorite quotes, “You have to treat your employees like
your customers. When you treat them right, then they will treat your outside
customers right. That has been a powerful competitive weapon for us. You've
got to take the time to listen to people's ideas. If you just tell somebody
no, that's an act of power and, in my opinion, an abuse of power. You don't
want to constrain people in their thinking.” Thanks to Kelleher’s leadership,
Southwest has been profitable and successful. In the “America’s Worst
Airline” story in the June 11, 2001 issue of Forbes, (http://www.forbes.com/forbes/2001/0611/105.html)
Southwest was noted as the airline that’s lost the least amount of baggage.
That’s a far cry from competitor America West, consistently weakest in
all areas, or United, best at ensuring that passengers arrive late. How clear is your vision for your organization and its future? What makes you comfortable, but leaves you with the feeling that you want to be somewhere else? What course corrections will you make soon? How much time do you take to listen to the ideas of employees? What do you do that may constrain people in their thinking? How would your employees define “treating them right?” Follow UpHere are selected updates
on stories covered in prior issues of Executive Times: Ř We quoted in the August 1999
issue of Executive Times an
observer of newly selected Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina
that she “swims like a fish in the male and female environment.” According to
an assessment article in the June 11, 2001 issue of Forbes, (http://www.forbes.com/forbes/2001/0611/054.html)
she may not be swimming well in the eyes of the H-P workforce, who report “widespread
anger over poor communication, sloppy execution and a disconnect between the
words and actions of H-P's brass.” It may be time for swimming lessons at
H-P. Ř We called attention to pirated software at
reputable companies in the January 2001
issue of Executive Times. The
Wall Street Journal reported (5/21/01)
that, “Software piracy grew in 2000 for the first time in more than half a
decade, and 37% of the programs used by businesses world-wide are illegal
copies, according to a report by the Business Software Alliance.” You may
want to ensure that all software used on machines in your organization is
properly licensed. Ř Many issues of Executive
Times have called attention to pay for performance approaches.
We read of a growing trend of pay for performance in the May 9, 2001 issue of
The New York Times (http://www.nytimes.com/2001/05/09/business/09ADCO.html).
According to a survey of the Association of National Advertisers, more
than two thirds of the agreements between companies and ad agencies last year
involved incentive pay for the results achieved from ad campaigns, rather
than traditional commission percentages.
LegaciesCrisis Manager The job of conducting effective public relations
changes dramatically during a crisis. John Scanlon, a public relations
expert who helped define the way that business is done today, died in New
York in early May. He tended to take on the toughest and riskiest clients, at
times when they most needed his skills. He helped CBS fight off libel
charges from General William Westmoreland, and when representing Brown
and Williamson, he unsuccessfully tried to cast aspersions on the
character of scientist Jeffrey Wigand. Just before he died, he was
working with Bob Kerrey on the current controversy over action in
Vietnam, and was at Jesse Jackson’s side when news broke about
Jackson’s paternity of a staff aide’s child. According to The New York
Times (5/5/01),
“He would often suggest ideas to journalists that were totally unrelated to any
paying client, in the belief that the favor might be remembered.” Clients
remember Scanlon for helping them when they most needed his sage advice and
his finely tuned rhetoric. For better or worse, he personified the term “spin
doctor” and may have been the best practitioner ever. Reading(Note: readers of the web version of Executive Times
can click on the book covers or titles to order copies directly from
amazon.com. When you order through these links, Hopkins & Company
receives a small payment from amazon.com. Subscribers to the print version of
Times can receive the web version at no additional cost. Send
e-mail to hopkinsandcompany@att.net
with a request to be placed on the web version distribution list. Also, not
all books we read make it to the pages of Executive Times. For expanded reviews of Executive Times selections and other books,
visit our book review site at http://www.hopkinsandcompany.com/books/list.htm.)
“When someone works for less pay than she can live on – when, for example, she goes hungry so that you can eat more cheaply and conveniently – then she has made a great sacrifice for you, she has made you a gift of some part of her abilities, her health, and her life. The ‘working poor,’ as they are approvingly termed, are in fact the major philanthropists of our society. They neglect their own children so that the children of others will be cared for; they live in substandard housing so that other homes will be shiny and perfect; they endure privation so that inflation will be low and stock prices high. To be a member of the working poor is to be an anonymous donor, a nameless benefactor to everyone else.” Recommendation: •••• (Highly Recommended). For a longer review and more
excerpts, visit www.hopkinsandcompany.com/books/nickel
and dimed.htm.
Brief Reviews
ă 2001
Hopkins and Company, LLC. Executive
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