Executive Times |
Volume 2, Issue 6 |
June, 2000
ã 2000 Hopkins and Company, LLC Note re: links---certain
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available when you try to go to the site. Mistakes and ConsequencesSome executives view mistakes as learning
opportunities. Other executives look to place blame quickly once mistakes are
discovered. Most effective executives act quickly when mistakes are called to
their attention. Certain mistakes produce limited impact while other
activities can lead to unexpected and unwelcome results. Almost all mistakes
have consequences and wise executives choose to match the consequences with
the impact of the mistake. Sometimes an individual will be fired for a
mistake; other times a business process will change to help prevent that
mistake from taking place in the future. Over the past few weeks, we’ve
continued to bump into old and new mistakes that may present an opportunity
for your reflection on what you might have done the same or differently from
executives who acted in response to mistakes. “Spark Service” We winced when we read the title “Spark
Service” atop an editorial cartoon in the Orlando Sentinel picturing Smoky
the Bear in front of a burned-out forest. The people around Los Alamos,
New Mexico found no humor in that cartoon as they faced a wildfire from a
United States Park Service controlled burn gone bad. When Interior
Secretary Bruce Babbitt received a report on what happened, he read, “The Fire Investigation Team concludes that federal
personnel failed to properly plan and implement the Upper Frijoles
Prescribed Fire, which became known as the Cerro Grande Prescribed Fire.
Throughout the planning and implementation, critical mistakes were
made.” Those who planned the fire did not have appropriate cross-functional experience and expertise. Supervisors who signed off on the plan provided cursory rather than diligent oversight. Some commentators placed blame on many years of fire prevention in forests that have allowed dangerous levels of undergrowth causing today’s fires to be more damaging than if smaller fires were allowed during the past century. Over the past few days, how often have
you signed something without reading it? When those who report to you make
mistakes, how do you react? What parts of your business processes are prone
to mistakes? What are you doing to improve those processes? What environmental
factors create conditions ripe for mistakes to occur? What are you doing to
minimize the impact of the mistakes that are likely to happen? Recalled (again) You may remember that after General Motors refused
to build a plant in his hometown in Spain, former VP Ignacio López departed
the company in 1993 to work for more receptive leaders at Volkswagon who seemed willing to take on
both the project and López. It turned out that López didn’t leave GM empty
handed. It seems that he brought some proprietary GM information with him,
and as one condition of the terms GM and VW negotiated over this matter,
López resigned from VW in 1996. That was the last we heard of the matter
until recently when the United States Department of Justice indicted López
for wire fraud and interstate transportation of stolen property. López
suffered head injuries and loss of memory from an auto accident two years
ago, and may be unable to stand trial. The car plant was never built.
According to The New York Times
(5/23/00), “In an interview last autumn, Mr. López voiced regret that he
had ever left G.M., given that VW never built his dream factory. "If I
had known that, I wouldn't have changed" jobs, he said. "It was my
error."” The Times also reported that a similar indictment was
dropped by the German government after López contributed over $200,000 to
certain charities. Have you ever had the experience of one
mistake leading to another? Are certain past errors continuing to impact your
life negatively today? What actions do you take to correct the mistake once
and for all? What documents belong to you and what ones belong to your
organization? Would your employer agree with your understanding of what you
believe is yours? Survey spies Ron McMillan, president of the Houston
division of Time
Warner Cable, must have had a difficult day not long ago, when he
found out about a creative form of market intelligence gathering devised by
his employees that violated the company’s ethical standards. We read in The
New York Times (5/24/00) that
Time Warner Cable employees received paycheck fliers that offered them free
Internet service or $100 for gathering information about the service
capabilities of competitor Southwestern
Bell. Employees were instructed to request high speed Internet
service from Southwestern Bell and report back to Time Warner Cable whether
or not Southwestern Bell was capable of providing the service to the
employee’s residence. The cost to Southwestern Bell to process a confirmation
letter for high speed Internet access is almost $400, and when Bell found out
about the paycheck fliers at Time Warner Cable (given to them by two Time
employees), Bell was furious, and has filed complaints with regulatory
authorities. From Time Warner’s New York headquarters where top management
remains engaged in their planned merger with America Online, a spokesperson
reported, "As soon as management in Houston found out about it, they
stopped it. It was a mistake and won't happen again." How well do your employees understand
what competitive actions are appropriate and what activities are out of
bounds? How closely have you examined the market intelligence gathering
operations of your organization? McMillan recognized the ethical problem and
acted quickly. How promptly would you have acted if this activity came to
your attention? Trashing competitors We’ve always preferred companies that
promote their individual strengths and benefits over those organizations that
bad mouth their competitors. When we read in Forbes (5/29/00) about the actions of a U.S. Tobacco (UST) employee
to overcome competition, we were amazed. Forbes reports the claims of
an Iowa convenience store manager that the UST rep would routinely remove the
products and display advertising of competitor Conwood (a smokeless tobacco
maker) and drop them in the dumpster. Similar actions around the country
including bribes to retailers led Conwood to file suit against UST, and a
Kentucky jury reached a $350 million verdict against UST, which is currently
under appeal. When tripled under the Sherman Antitrust Act, this verdict will
wipe out UST if it stands on appeal and create a windfall for the owners of
privately held Conwood. While Forbes did mention that allegations of
wrongdoing in the Kentucky trial went all the way up to UST CEO Vincent
Gierer, it failed to pass along that a few days after the verdict, UST
President A. Gary Smith resigned
for personal reasons. Even more incredible to us, given the company’s
litigation around its practices, is that Gierer appointed
Murray Kessler as the new president. Formerly, Kessler headed sales and
marketing for the company. Have you ever thought that sales practices could destroy your company? How closely have you examined the sales tactics used by your representatives? Are you subject to unfair competitive practices by other companies? What remedies will you seek to eliminate those practices? Burnout PreventionWith prime vacation season approaching, we
read an interesting story in The
Wall Street Journal (5/5/00)
about companies offering extended time off to tenured, high-performing employees.
We read about a Wall Street lawyer who rented an apartment to hang out in
Paris for three months, and an Intuit executive who played jazz piano.
Another executive spent seven months backpacking through Australia and New
Zealand. Some executives used the time off to sleep or relax at the
beach. Whether employers have formal
extended leave policies or not, an increasing number of stressed executives
are choosing to take a hiatus from their jobs. Some return back to their old
jobs with a fresh outlook, while others revise their priorities and direct
their careers toward greater balance between work life and personal
life. When was the last time you took a work
break longer than two weeks? Will your organization survive without you for a
longer period of time than that? What signs of burnout do you detect in
yourself and in those around you? How do you assess the quality of your
personal relationships? Would those relationships benefit from increased time
and attention? What’s preventing you from spending the time and paying
attention to those relationships? Scotchguarding 3MMinnesota
Mining and Manufacturing Company
(3M) announced
that as a result of tests indicating the persistent and pervasive presence of
low levels of certain chemicals in the environment, it would discontinue the
production of most Scotchguard stain-repellent products. The discontinued
products currently represent 2% of 3M sales. Executives at 3M volunteered to
take this action well in advance of any government intervention as well as in
advance of positive indications of the chemical harming humans. "Our decision anticipates increasing attention
to the appropriate use and management of persistent materials," said Dr.
Charles Reich, executive vice president, Specialty Material Markets.
"While this chemistry has been used effectively for more than 40 years
and our products are safe, our decision to phase out production is based on
our principles of responsible environmental management." Tests on lab rats proved the chemical to be toxic at high doses. We wonder what the world’s air and water would be like if other companies acted in a similar fashion. Are you more likely to wait for
conclusive proof before taking action, or will certain indicators drive you
to act? If you were a 3M executive, would you have been in favor or against
this decision to discontinue a successful and profitable product? Follow UpHere are selected updates on stories
covered in prior issues of Executive Times: Ø
The May 2000
issue of Executive Times called
attention to Conseco and the analyst who forecast bad times ahead for
the company. We read a few days after we published that bad times were also
ahead for top company executives. CEO Stephen Hilbert and CFO Rollin
Dick resigned. Founder and 21-year veteran Hilbert stated in the company announcement:
“This has
been one of the toughest decisions Conseco's board and I have ever made. Over
the last few quarters it became clear that my and Rollie's ability to
engender investor confidence was impaired.”
While Hilbert received a severance package worth over $70 million,
according to The
Wall Street Journal (5/3/00),
he owes Conseco over $160 million to repay loans, the proceeds of which
Hilbert used to purchase Conseco stock at levels higher than today’s price. Ø
When the February 2000
issue of Executive Times called
attention to the talent wars for attracting and retaining employees in a
challenging labor market, we didn’t have the hard data to back up our
concerns. Manpower, Inc. has
surveyed company hiring plans for 24 years, and they found the highest rate
(35%) of employers expect to be hiring in the third quarter. Manpower told The
Wall Street Journal (5/23/00)
“the traditional labor supply is essentially exhausted.” On the same topic,
we were amused by the Fortune (5/29/00) series “Invasion of the
Body Snatchers”, advice to employees and employers on dealing with
headhunters and other talent seekers. Also, an Executive
Times subscriber told us about an online newsletter focused on
workplace issues for Generation X. Visit http://www.rainmakerthinking.com/printWOTF.html
for a copy of the May issue. Bruce Tulgan, author of a new book, Winning
the Talent Wars, to be published in 2001, writes the newsletter. LegaciesWe arrived in the
theater on opening night thirty years ago to purchase tickets for a future
performance of an odd John Osborne play, A Patriot for Me. As
we turned from the ticket window, we recognized a familiar face behind
moustache and glasses: David Merrick. He was yelling at managers or
assistants to remove a juvenile from the performance at once. Disaster would
occur if the press focused on a minor’s presence during the first brief nude
(male, rear) performance inside a reputable theater in Washington, DC. When
we read the reviews, the play was critiqued, but the press remained silent on
the minor, and mentioned the nudity in passing. We’ve never forgotten our
glimpse of Merrick’s explosive personality. For a time, Merrick was Broadway.
In 1960, he had ten plays running at the same time, and Time estimated
that at one time he had 20% of the people working on Broadway in his employ.
A relentless promoter, Merrick also made enemies easily and was known for
tough financial dealings with stars and others. He changed the business and
the art of producing plays. Merrick
died in London at age 88. She was the one
who got the recipes from the Mexican Embassy and expanded the seasonal
nine-seat root beer stand into Hot Shoppes. Alice Marriott died
at age 92 in late April knowing that her sons were doing a fine job running
the business she and her husband, J. Willard Marriott, started from scratch.
In addition to leading and participating in many civic endeavors, Alice
worked as a Marriott Vice President for many years, influencing the company’s
policies and practices, as well as raising her two sons who were expected to
contribute to the success of the company. When the company opened its first
hotel in 1957, Alice was there all night helping to hang pictures in the 365
guest rooms. Summer ReadingSeveral readers have asked for expanded
reading recommendations, so this month’s issue includes a wide range of books
we’ve read recently along with some we’re planning to read over the
Summer. (Note: readers of the web version of Executive Times can click on the book covers or
titles to order copies directly from amazon.com. When you order through these
links, Hopkins & Company receives a small payment from amazon.com.
Subscribers to the print version of Executive
Times can receive the web version at no additional cost. Send e-mail
to hopkinsandcompany@att.net
with a request to be placed on the web version distribution list. Also, not
all books we read make it to the pages of Executive
Times. Check out other book selections on our bookshelf at http://www.hopkinsandcompany.com/bookshelf.html).
Books We’ve Read We’ve enjoyed reading John Kotter’s
frequent articles in Harvard Business Review, as well as his many books
on change and leadership. We jumped on the opportunity to re-read the HBR
leadership articles in one place in a new book, John P.
Kotter on What Leaders Really Do. He does a great job in separating
leadership from management and helping readers understand the “Management is about coping with
complexity….Without good management, complex enterprises tend to become
chaotic in ways that threaten their very existence. Good management brings a
degree of order and consistency to key dimensions like the quality and
profitability of products. Leadership, by contrast, is about coping with
change....More change always demands more leadership….leading an organization
to constructive change begins by setting a direction---developing a vision of
the future (often the distant future) along with strategies for producing the
changes needed to achieve that vision.” We like Kotter’s focus on actual management behavior, as in the “what leaders really do” articles. We found it interesting to re-read articles from 1979, 1990 and 1995 and observe how well Kotter put his wise imprint on management literature. We recommend this book. When you’ve run out of Turow and Grisham
novels to read for escapist pleasure, give William Bernhardt a try. We
should support lawyers who write novels rather than
If you’ve been at all curious about day
traders, there’s a fine new book out that describes how one individual lived
and traded. Dumb
Money: Adventures of a Day Trader by Joey Anuff and Gary Wolf
provides a well-written glimpse into day trading. One of our favorite quotes:
“To be a day “Most of the time, I look at the Nasdaq symbols on
my execution statements and can’t even remember the name of the company much
less why I was trading it. MSTG, OPTN, ONEM, ICOS, TWLB: these are
meaningless things to me, though I let tens of thousands of dollars ride on
them without a minute’s hesitation. Did I make money on them? Sometimes. But
usually not enough, I’m forced to admit in my more sober moments, to justify
the risks. And looking back at the riskier maneuvers I’ve been party to, it
looks like summertime livin’ on boob beach. Why not let’s use this syringe I
found as a back scratcher? Why not let’s do some naked wrasslin’ with those jellyfish.
Why not trade an IPO?”
Stephen Amidon’s The New
City is perfect vacation reading. This fast moving novel creates tales of
Newton, Maryland, a planned suburban community, and the dynamics of racial
and family tension taking place there in 1973. We read it in two sittings and
enjoyed it thoroughly. We Plan to Read (more at www.hopkinsandcompany.com/toread.html)
ã 2000 Hopkins and Company, LLC. Executive Times is published monthly by Hopkins and Company, LLC
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