Executive Times |
Volume 3,
Issue 5 |
May 2001 |
ã 2001 Hopkins and Company, LLC Note re: links---certain
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available when you try to go to the site. Me, myself and IMany business articles and
management books focus on the personality and character of chief executive
officers. The cult of the CEO can create the illusion that a company and its
leader are indistinguishable. Management always involves engagement with
colleagues, and the most effective leaders are those who attract the best
talent to share a common vision of success. We can observe the behavior of
business leaders and gain understanding of their priorities and values. The
annual release of proxy statements brings out seasonal articles highlighting
attention to CEOs and especially to their pay. With high levels of corporate
layoffs this year, the timing of proxies led to comparisons of what perks
executives were getting in comparison to the workers being fired. As you read
the following stories, think about your own approach to meeting your own
needs as well as your approach to meeting the needs of others. Consider what
changes will improve the alignment between your actions and the expectations
of others. What’s the balance between your ego and your talent? Fly Away Our favorite example of a
disconnection between managers and workers appeared in a footnote to the Motorola
proxy (http://www.freeedgar.com/EdgarConstruct/Data/950137/01-500517/c59927ddef14a.htm).
Former CEO Robert Galvin, father of the current CEO Christopher
Galvin, while retiring at last from the board, remains an employee and
will continue to receive comprehensive services for his personal airplane, a
long-standing perk. Here’s what the proxy said about the plane: “The Company employs pilots and mechanics for
Company-owned airplanes. They also devote a portion of their time to
Mr. R. Galvin’s airplane, including those times when it is not
being used on Company business. The Company pays the salaries and the cost of
fringe benefits of these employees. Mr. R. Galvin pays all of the
other expenses of his airplane, except that the cost of fuel, oil and
relatively minor incidental crew and flight expenses incurred solely in
connection with Company business flights are paid by the Company.
Mr. R. Galvin does not charge the Company when other Company
personnel accompany him on his airplane on business trips. In 2000, and
historically, the percentage of Company-paid expenses of the airplane has
been less than the percentage of usage of the airplane for Company business.
Mr. R. Galvin is retiring as a director at the May 2001 Annual
Meeting. He will be continuing as an employee of Motorola and his arrangement
regarding his airplane will continue.” Motorola has continued to accommodate Galvin while laying off thousands of workers. What
do you think Motorola workers believe about the company’s commitment to cost
cutting? Are family and hierarchy really more important at Motorola than
producing improved business results? Do your executives perks fit today’s
business conditions? Who says enough is enough? Shareholders Unite on Pay for Performance Most shareholder
resolutions are perceived as cranky and unlikely to pass when management
recommends a vote against them. We read in The Wall Street Journal
(3/26/01) (http://interactive.wsj.com/archive/retrieve.cgi?id=BT-CO-20010326-005662.djml) that an ad hoc consortium of union related
pension funds doubled the number of shareholder initiatives they generated
this year, and feel they are making progress. Among their targets were Bank
of America and Sprint relating to issues raised in the past in Executive Times. According to the Journal,
the stock granted by Bank of America to retiring CEO Hugh McColl had
no performance related component, and they objected to what was perceived as
a windfall. (See the May 1999
issue of Executive Times on pay
indexing). In Sprint’s case, the repricing of options gave upside benefits,
but no downside penalty, and was inconsistent with what shareholders
experienced. (See the August 2000
issue of Executive Times on the
Sprint windfall). Will
shareholders and others perceive your pay plans as self-serving or aligned
with the results of your company in comparison to peers? What are the
principles underlying your compensation system, and how well do you think
those principles work in practice? If you were an outsider examining your
organization, how would you assess your compensation practices? Will it take
outside pressure to change your practices? Me First What were the executives
at Pacific Gas and Electric thinking when they delivered bonuses
totaling $50 million the day before filing bankruptcy? According to the Los
Angeles Times (4/8/01) (http://www.latimes.com/business/reports/power/lat_bonus010408.htm),
while the top 25 executives were excluded from the payout, CEO Robert
Glynn, authorized bonus payments to a third of the company’s managers and
employees. The same week, the company announced
the suspension of dividend payments on preferred stock. Following their
bankruptcy filing, the company petitions the bankruptcy court regularly for
approval of routine business actions, while continuing a public relations
fight against California Governor Gray Davis. Davis commented on the
bonus payments with this remark, “Management is suffering from two
afflictions: Denial and greed." Can individuals within
your organization succeed while the company fails? Where does accountability
and responsibility exist within your organization? If a change in the
fortunes of your company occurs because of external conditions, like changes
in the cost of energy, how are rewards and penalties shared? Would you have
paid bonuses if you were Robert Glynn? If your organization were facing
crisis conditions, what would it take to retain valuable and motivated
employees? Jeff.com While the interests of Amazon
CEO Jeff Bezos are fully aligned with that of shareholders, the
company’s poor performance doesn’t seem to faze its leader or its board. Business
Week reported (4/4/01) (http://www.businessweek.com/bwdaily/dnflash/apr2001/nf2001044_127.htm)
that a too small board fails to hold Bezos accountable for results, and
tolerates the way he fills management slots with himself rather than bringing
in needed outside talent. Can your organization succeed without you? Do you
behave as if it can’t? Who do you rely on to tell you what you may not want
to hear? Are your closest advisors so aligned with you that the advice they
give falls short of what you need? The Daily Me We admit
to subscribing to a variety of personal mail services that deliver targeted
news on the topics or companies of interest to us. We read in The New York
Times (4/13/01) (http://www.nytimes.com/2001/04/13/technology/13CYBERLAW.html)
that MIT’s Nicholas Negroponte has called this filtering The Daily Me.
While most observers conclude that news customization saves time and can
increase the ease with which citizens can access information, University
of Chicago law school professor Cass R. Sunstein argues that
filtering can lead to “narrowing readers’ minds and souls.” We haven’t read
Sunstein’s book, Republic.com
that advances this thesis, mostly because we’re not that interested in the
topic, probably proving his point. What experiences
broaden your exposure to alternative ideas and opinions? How frequently do
you embrace those experiences? How insular and homogeneous is your daily
world? Ego trips One of our favorite
business writers, Patricia Sellers of Fortune, talked to CEOs
about ego, and the results of her conversation appear in an amusing article
in the 4/30/01 issue (http://www.fortune.com/indext.jhtml?channel=print_article.jhtml&doc_id=201650).
While professing reluctance to discuss the topic, two dozen or so CEOs are
named in the article and come across within a range from an exuberant Donald
Trump at one extreme to a reluctant Warren Buffett at the other (Buffett
said, “The truest sign of ego is wanting to be in this story.”) If you have
any interest in managing your own ego or deal every day in trying to manage
someone else’s, read this article. One executive Sellers didn’t interview is
preparing for the biggest ego trip of all. Dennis Tito, CEO of Wilshire
Associates will pay $20 million to the Russian Aviation and Space
Agency to fly to the International Space Station. He’s also been asked to
pay for anything he breaks. And you liked your plans for using frequent flier
miles. How well balanced is
your ego in relation to your talent? What’s the positive and negative impact
of your ego on those around you? Are you aware of that impact? How effective
are you in managing your ego, and in relating to the egos around you? Take the e-trainLearning at an
Express Pace
Web-based training can be
delivered at low cost and using an approach that paces the experience at the
speed desired by each learner. The New York Times (4/18/01) (http://www.nytimes.com/2001/04/18/technology/18STEL.html)
reported an estimate of the corporate market for such training will rise from
$2.2 billion last year to $11 billion in 2003. Most companies are blending
traditional classroom training with web-based modules that can be completed
whenever an employee goes online. Circuit City, American Airlines
and MasterCard are among the companies profiled in this article. A
MasterCard employee compared what he learned in an online session with a
similar program from a previous employer. “It gave me the information I
needed. It just did it in half the time or less.” How much time does your organization spend trying to train employees using group meetings? Have you examined lower cost alternatives that can produce superior results? Since people learn at different paces, does your method of delivery satisfy the needs of all participants? Follow UpHere are selected updates
on stories covered in prior issues of Executive Times: Ø A business magazine finally got around to paying
attention to Joe Torre, whose book, Ground
Rules for Winners: 12 Keys to Managing Team Players, Tough Bosses, Setbacks,
and Success, we recommended in the December 1999
issue of Executive Times. Fortune
includes an article (http://www.fortune.com/indext.jhtml?channel=print_article.jhtml&doc_id=201619)
in its 4/30/01 issue that recommends Torre as “the model for today’s
corporate managers.” Ø We were totally wrong when we forecast in the April 2000
issue of Executive Times an
imminent $5 billion firework display, anticipating the flameout of 72 Iridium
satellites. Instead, the new owners are trying to make another go of the
technology, and are offering rates as low as $1.50 a minute, a major
reduction from the prior deals of $6 or $7 a minute. Ø The lead story in the March 2001
issue of Executive Times
included examples of how companies failed to monitor untrustworthy employees.
We read in The Houston Chronicle (4/21/01) (http://www.chron.com/cs/CDA/printstory.hts/business/884978)
that the percentage of employers who monitor employees by checking their
e-mails, Internet use, telephone connections or videotaping them while they
work, increased from 35% in 1997 to 80% this year. LegaciesIt’s About the People Michel
Fribourg led privately owned Continental
Grain Company (now known as ContiGroup
Companies) for five decades. A company
director called Fribourg “the premier figure in world trade in food of the
20th century” (The New York Times 4/12/01 http://www.nytimes.com/2001/04/12/obituaries/12FRIB.html).
Thanks to Fribourg, a trade deal with the Soviet Union in the early 1960s
defused cold war tensions, accomplishing through business what was not being
done through diplomacy. He taught many executives and politicians the
important lesson that trade accelerates economic development in emerging
nations. Fribourg expanded Continental Grain into seventy countries. His son,
Paul, the sixth generation of Fribourgs to lead the company, said that his
father took pride in being a “grain man” whose word on the telephone would be
trusted in trading millions of dollars worth of grain. In the years following
Michel’s retirement, the company made a strategic shift and sold its grain
trading operations. When presented with the company’s options, Michel’s first
question was about the traders: would they find new work? "It was never,
for him, about making money," Paul Fribourg recalled. "It was the
people." Michel Fribourg died in New York in mid-April at age 87. His
quiet and unassuming leadership style left a positive example for executives
and CEOs around the world to follow. Reading(Note: readers of the web
version of Executive
Times can click on the book covers or titles to order copies
directly from amazon.com. When you
order through these links, Hopkins & Company receives a small payment
from amazon.com. Subscribers to the
print version of Executive Times can receive the web version
at no additional cost. Send e-mail to hopkinsandcompany@att.net with a
request to be placed on the web version distribution list. Also, not all books we read make it to the
pages of Executive
Times. For expanded
reviews of Executive Times
selections and other books, visit our book review site at http://www.hopkinsandcompany.com/books/list.htm.)
The first part of the book
documents why performance appraisals backfire. After reading this section, we
concluded that the flaws in the appraisal process are so great that they are
fatal: it would be better not to do appraisals. The middle of the book
explores what to do instead of appraisals in five areas: coaching, feedback,
pay, promotion, and discipline. The alternative approaches can all be
successful, based on the commitment of your organization to managing change.
The final section of the book presents a step-by-step approach on how to stop
doing appraisals and how to design alternatives. We read that 90% of
employees and managers are dissatisfied with their current performance
appraisal system. Unfortunately, when faced with such data, human resource
professionals decide to revise the system, instead of eliminating it. Whether
you decide to implement changes along these lines or not, reading this book
will likely change your outlook on pay for performance schemes and on the
performance appraisal process in your organization. Read it and be armed with
information to convince HR professionals that there’s a better way.
Recommendation: ••••• (Outstanding).
“…most of the
poor already possess the assets they need to make a success of capitalism.
Even in the poorest countries, the poor save. The value of savings among the
poor is, in fact, immense – forty times all the foreign aid received
throughout the world since 1945…If the United States were to hike its
foreign-aid budget to the level recommended by the United Nations – 0.7
percent of national income – it would take the richest country on earth more
than 150 years to transfer to the world poor resources equal to those they
already possess. Read the clear and compelling case de Soto
makes in this book concerning what has caused the current state of affairs
and what might be done for things to change. Recommendation: ••• (Recommended). Boundaries
ã 2001
Hopkins and Company, LLC. Executive
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