Executive Times |
Volume 2,
Issue 3 |
March, 2000 |
ă 2000 Hopkins and Company, LLC Note re: links---certain
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available when you try to go to the site. Denial of ServiceVandals attacked several
busy Internet sites in recent weeks by presenting millions of bogus requests
for service, causing the sites to slow down or close because of capacity
problems. Some companies implemented back-up plans and moved to alternate
sites, sending e-mail to their “real” customers with the new location. The
phrase “denial of service” became well-known, and caused us to reflect on the
ways in which many executives, in both clicks and bricks locations, decide
what level of service to offer which customers. Some perks become visible to
all, and increase demand for equal service, while other services are
performed quietly to build and maintain strong individual relationships.
Think about the services you offer and the services you deny. How well does
your approach match expectations? Where are you vulnerable to competition on
the basis of service, and where is your service subject to disruption beyond
your control? If disruption were to occur, what are you prepared to do? (If
you are really interested in learning more about the denial of service Internet
attacks, go ahead and visit www.denialinfo.com). Welcome all you long legs and wide bodies American Airlines CEO Don Carty is 6’3” tall, and while he
probably never rides in coach, he’s aware that the majority of passengers sit
in the back of the plane, and many of them complain about the lack of
legroom. In what Carty called
“an important strategic announcement”, American will spend about $70 million
to remove up to two rows of seats per plane from the total jet fleet of 700
aircraft to “provide more room for passengers throughout the coach
cabin.” Carty’s emphasis is for competitive reasons: rival United Airlines removed one row of seats
from the front of its aircraft, allowing more legroom in the frequent flier
section of coach. Even infrequent fliers in middle seats will get extra
legroom on American. Those of us with long memories recall that the new seat
pitch of 34” is about the same as American and others used until the
mid-1980’s, when Carty’s shorter and skinnier predecessor, Bob Crandall,
and other airline CEOs crammed more seats onto aircraft to raise revenue.
While American removes a key area of customer dissatisfaction with this
change, we’re doubtful that revenues or customer loyalty will change as a
result of this move. Other airlines are expected to match the changes at
United and American. When do you
decide to offer a service to selected customers, as United did, or to all
customers, as American did? Would you see a change like the one at American
as “an important strategic announcement”? American created a media event to
announce this change; how well does your service message get across to your
target audience? Are your customers fed up with some part of your service
offerings? What will it cost you to change that area? Can you afford not to
change? When a competitor changes service levels, how do you and your
customers react? Elephants and donkeys in the same tent Membership in United
States political parties can be long lasting or very brief. Voter turnout can
be fickle. The Republican primaries through February have been fascinating to
observe. George W. Bush has been winning about three-quarters of those
voters in Republican primaries who define themselves as Republicans. John
McCain has won primaries as a result of large Democratic and Independent
turnout in Republican primaries in states where a registered voter can choose
any party ballot. Years ago, it seemed like a good idea to have open
primaries. We expect the results of the 2000 primary season will lead many
loyal Republicans to look for a return to closed primaries. Which of your alliances
or membership groups are open to all, and which are open to members
only? Are the structural and
membership rules appropriate to the group and its processes? Thanks, but no thanks We read in The
Wall Street Journal (2/2/2000)
that employees at Marriott
hotels in Atlanta, many of whom work odd hours, were given the opportunity to
use subsidized child care in a facility called Inn for Children, which
was scheduled to be open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Marriott teamed
with other companies to create the facility that is now run by a non-profit
organization. Marriott has long searched for innovative ways to retain employees,
and child care availability and cost is one area of the company’s active
involvement. Few employees ended up using the facility, mostly because
existing family-based arrangements and facilities closer to employees’ homes
made it not worth their while to take advantage of the new facility. Day care
hours have since been pulled back and more than half the users of the
facility are non-Marriott employees, but the lessons Marriott learned in
Atlanta will be taken to other cities. One lesson involves lighter debt
loads; the next venture will involve donated public space, local government
involvement and day care space for city workers, as well as cost sharing on
building improvements. What benefits attract and retain employees to your
company? Are there obstacles that
your employees manage on their own where some corporate involvement might
increase employee performance, productivity, and retention? Have you asked employees what benefits or
services they would use if you offered them? You are special Sometimes the most
valuable perks are invisible and unadvertised. Have you ever noticed the carnation-wearing airline employees
escorting selected customers through airports? Have you ever been one of those customers? The
Wall Street Journal (2/18/00)
enumerated the many invisible services that each airline provides to their
very best customers. We read of one
frequent flier whose Delta flight was cancelled and was whisked by automobile
on the tarmac by Delta employees to an American flight where a ticket was
waiting and checked bags were already loaded on the plane that took off as
soon as this key customer boarded.
Private rooms, usually without exterior signs, are available at busy
airports to these selected customers.
Membership can’t be earned; each airline chooses the individuals to
whom they provide these unsolicited and valuable VIP services. How well do
employees know your organization’s best customers? How do you recognize and reward those customers? How does your VIP treatment compare with
that of your competitors? Do your
best customers have to ask for service, or do you anticipate their needs and
take care of them at once? Maybe yes, maybe no General Electric Company issued a recall last October for dishwashers sold
from 1983 through 1989. It seems that a faulty energy switch could start a
fire. Given the age of the dishwashers, GE offered consumers rebates on the
purchase of new machines rather than offer repair of the old ones. According
to The
Wall Street Journal (2/18/00),
some GE volume customers, like apartment house owners, were given a repair
option. Now New York State’s Attorney General is expected to file a
lawsuit claiming GE deceived customers into buying new machines when old ones
could have been fixed for a smaller consumer outlay of funds. The Consumer
Product Safety Commission is also in the middle of this muddle. The CPSC
urged GE to offer a repair option to consumers. GE spokespeople explain that
there really is no repair option: it’s a matter of turning on or off a heat
switch for air drying or heat drying dishes.GE thought consumers would prefer
a machine with working features. What makes you limit or
expand choices for customers? Are different customers provided with different
choices? If the same situation is dealt with in different ways for different
customers, are you vulnerable to litigation or other forms of attack? Taxi! One of those mysteries of
life was finally explained to us, thanks to The New York Times (2/23/00).
We’ve always wondered why at 2pm in New York City, when we are inside a
building, there are hundreds of empty taxicabs roaming on the streets
outside, but when we leave the building at 4:30 or 5pm, all the cabs are “off
duty”, or not to be seen at all. It turns out that day drivers switch to
night drivers around 4:30pm each day, and suffer penalties if they don’t
return their cabs on time. This schedule is meant to give the day drivers the
benefit of the morning rush hour, and let the night drivers get the evening
rush. The problem is that the turnover takes place just as the rush begins,
and the penalty encourages drivers to turn the “off duty” light on rather
than risk a trip that will make them late for the turnover. Are your employees
going off duty at the same time your customers want to use your services?
Have you developed internally focused reasons, such as the rush hour fairness
division of hours that may work well for employees but create alienation,
confusion or frustration for your customers? Dot com c’est moiBranded Every now and again a job
title catches our attention like the Mister Boffo
cartoon from 2/18/00: “I’m the omnipotent director and all-knowing overseer
of interoffice distribution” (another way to tell when you’re dealing with
the one who reports to the king of the mailroom). The same week that the
largest bank in the United States, Bank
of America, paid big bucks to acquire the rights to “loans.com”, bank
President Kenneth D. Lewis announced
a new direct report for him called “BankofAmerica.com Executive”. James D. Dixon has been the Bank of
America Technology and Operations Executive for a long time, but now he’s the
dot com executive. We wonder if Dixon will appoint somebody to be the
loans.com executive. We wouldn’t be at all surprised. What’s a job
title supposed to do? How are the job
titles in your organization perceived by key constituents? Do job titles have
any influence on the motivation level or productivity of employees? How
important do you think job title is to your employees? Have you asked them? Enemies to amigosDues to pay Some policy changes lead
the more cynical among us to snicker. It seems like just yesterday that the AFL-CIO railed against illegal
immigrants taking jobs away from American workers. In mid-February, the
AFL-CIO Executive Council issued a resolution
calling for amnesty for the estimated 6 million illegal immigrants currently
working in the United States, and the removal of sanctions against employers
that hire illegal immigrants. Those sanctions were put in place fifteen years
ago after fierce lobbying to do so on the part of the AFL-CIO and other labor
organizations. Given the current tight job market, there’s an opportunity to
increase union membership if barriers are removed for immigrants. Immigrants
built the labor movement, and this policy change makes it clear that the
AFL-CIO favors immigration. Have any of your
policies drifted from your organization’s mission and roots? Have you taken
positions that work in the short run, but need to shift radically when
business cycles change? How credible are you based on the consistency of your
policies and positions? How clearly do your constituents know what you stand
for? Getting attention to your messagesHave you wired a Ford lately? Some companies attract
positive attention to their organizations because of the way they present
their stories to the media. We admired Ford
Motor Company when they turned an obligation into a message of
innovation, inclusion, and benevolence. Following an agreement with the United Auto Workers, Ford was obliged to
provide personal computers and cheap Internet access to union members.
Someone at Ford saw an opportunity here, and the company decided to offer PCs
and Internet access to all Ford employees worldwide, and the company presented
their story at a major press event. The many stories that followed were
totally positive about Ford and its actions. (See The
Wall Street Journal and The
New York Times). A day later, Delta Air Lines announced
that they, too, were providing PCs and Internet access to all employees. We
read one story in The
Washington Post about Delta following Ford’s example. Our guess is that no one at Delta
envisioned the same kind of opportunity that public relations counterparts at
Ford found in the same corporate action and the announcement was low
key. How well do
you get across the important messages about your organization? What tools or
approach do you use to distinguish an opportunity in public relations? Cookie monster: “me love cookies” CEO Chris Larsen
and the team at E-Loan, Inc.
understand the need to assure consumers about the privacy of confidential
personal financial information. We read (The
Wall Street Journal 2/7/00)
that Larsen called attention of investors, analysts, and other audiences to
the fact that e-Loan did not use cookies as part of their online interaction
with consumers, as a way to allay privacy concerns. Larsen has given that
same assurance often since the company was first formed. It turns out that following an acquisition
of another company and creating more links to other Internet sites, e-Loan
started using cookies. Nobody got around to letting Larsen know until he was
surprised when challenged with the information. Oops. What do you
need to be sure the boss knows about your operation? How well do you keep
your boss informed about changes? As the boss, what do employees need to know
about your key messages externally to ensure that your facts remain accurate,
especially during periods of rapid change? Follow UpHere are selected updates
on stories covered in prior issues of Executive
Times: Ř In the November
1999 Executive Times, we expressed
alarm about the $25 million award to a former Miller Brewing Company
executive on the grounds that the company withheld negative performance
information from him. We were pleased to read
recently that the case was reversed on appeal. Next stop is the Wisconsin
Supreme Court. Ř When we called attention in the November
1999 Executive Times to the
challenges Austrian Chancellor Viktor Kilma would have in
incorporating Joerg Haider and members of the Freedom Party into the
governing leadership of Austria following elections, we did not anticipate
the significant backlash from the European Union including talk of sanctions
and diplomatic isolation. Ř In the February
2000 issue of Executive Times, we
described the challenges faced by professional partnerships in retaining
talent and avoiding conflicts of interest. According to The
Wall Street Journal (2/18/00),
PricewaterhouseCoopers will restructure into two entities: one for management
consulting and the other for accounting, joining other accounting firms that
have taken this approach in the past. LegaciesWe admire and
follow leaders whose beliefs and actions match our own; we often remember the
actions of leaders that are unexpected, or out of character. Almost
three-quarters of Americans support the death penalty, so it’s no surprise
that almost all politicians take the same position. Illinois governor George
Ryan continues to support the death penalty, but took the courageous
action recently to suspend its administration in Illinois. For Ryan, the
numbers didn’t add up: something was wrong with a system where, since 1977, a
dozen people were executed and 13 death row inmates were exonerated after
receiving death sentences. "Until I can be sure that everyone sentenced
to death in Illinois is truly guilty, until I can be sure with moral
certainty that no innocent man or woman is facing a lethal injection, no one
will meet that fate," Ryan said. (Chicago
Tribune 2/1/00). Following
Ryan’s leadership, other states are examining their systems as well, and
national attention to this issue has increased. Reading(Note: readers of the web version of Executive Times
can click on the book covers or titles to order copies directly from
amazon.com. When you order through these links, Hopkins & Company
receives a small payment from amazon.com.
Subscribers to the print version of Executive Times can receive
the web version at no additional cost. Send e-mail to hopkinsandcompany@att.net with a request
to be placed on the web version distribution list. Also, not all books we
read make it to the pages of Executive Times. Check out other book selections on our
bookshelf at http://www.hopkinsandcompany.com/bookshelf.html).
“Doing the right things right” We looked forward to
savoring Lessons
from the Top: The Search for America’s Best Business Leaders, written
by two Spencer Stuart executives: Thomas J. Neff, Chairman, and James
M. Citrin, head of global communications and media. We expected in-depth
stories about successful business leaders that would be instructive in
gaining understanding of the most important factors in A book of virtue
Lose it
Doctor Death
ă 2000 Hopkins and
Company, LLC. Executive Times is
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