Executive Times |
Volume 3,
Issue 2 |
February 2001 |
ã 2001 Hopkins and Company, LLC Note re: links---certain
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available when you try to go to the site. Pay now or pay laterMany executives are
tempted to postpone or ignore sticky issues or costly initiatives. Some
believe that future costs will be lower than current costs, so it can be
better to wait. Others choose to let events run their course, allowing
someone else’s changes to direct the future course. Some executives become so
convinced of their own point of view that they are unable or unwilling to
listen to other perspectives, or accept the fact that what they observe may
not be the whole truth. Effective leaders often decide that the smallest loss
is the first one, so it’s better to face up to problems and issues
immediately. Visionary leaders look ahead and prepare their organizations for
what can happen in the future. Our best leaders listen to a variety of points
of view. Recent news stories have been packed with stories of executives
whose actions or inactions have led to larger than expected problems for
their organizations. Read about how other executives are leading and consider
what actions you might take if you were in their place. The Dark Ages
Once upon a time it must
have seemed like child’s play to run a public utility. Layers of regulation
protected the organization from serious problems or competition. A friendly
group of commissioners could be convinced to go along with growth plans to
ensure that the lights in the community would always remain on. Rolling
blackouts in California, reported everywhere during January, prove that
running a utility today involves more than a handful of challenges for any
executive. Faced with public opposition to new power plants, managers were
unable to keep capacity ahead of demand. In a flawed staged implementation of
deregulation reminiscent of the approach used for savings and loans, the
wholesale prices for energy floated with market conditions, while retail prices
remained fixed. In the S&L situation, the rate paid to depositors floated
with the market, while the rate charged for loans remained fixed. California
power consumers had no incentive to reduce consumption when wholesale prices
rose, since their retail prices remained low. Utilities ended up selling
power at significantly lower prices than it cost them to acquire the power.
Here’s what Pacific Gas & Electric President Gordon R. Smith
had to say
about the situation: “For months,
California's utilities, including Pacific Gas and Electric Company, have
faced a growing financial challenge, due to a badly broken wholesale power
market and price gouging by wholesale power sellers. In order to ensure
continued service to our customers during this time, Pacific Gas and Electric
has virtually exhausted its financial resources, borrowing an average of $1
million per hour to pay for the power we deliver to Californians. No company
can continue to operate indefinitely under such conditions.” When the California
Public Utilities Commission issued a temporary restraining order to
ensure that both PGE and Southern California Edison would continue to
deliver power, both companies were outraged. Parent company of SCE, Edison
International announced,
Chairman and CEO of Edison International, John Bryson, today described the
decision of the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) to issue a
temporary restraining order (TRO) forbidding Southern California Edison (SCE)
from withdrawing from its obligation to serve ‘an insult to the ethic of the
13,000 employees of SCE who have worked to keep the lights on for their
customers. In fact, SCE has borrowed billions of dollars, which threatens the
company's solvency, through 8½ months of inaction and delay by the CPUC, in
order to continue to serve its customers.’” We can expect more finger
pointing and rhetoric from executives and politicians while this crisis
continues. When faced
with crisis, what do you do? How would you react to an untenable situation
like floating costs and fixed prices? When will lashing out against critics
turn into perceptions that you’re not taking responsibility and that you are
passing blame to others? How do you align the interests of various
stakeholders? When politics confuses issues, how do you influence the
outcome? Do you think Bryson’s statement about an insult to SCE’s 13,000
employees made the workers feel better about the situation? What else would
you be doing if you were a utility executive facing this set of issues? Accrual for arrogance You may have read over the past year about
the recall of genetically altered corn, StarLink, meant for animal feed which
entered the human food supply in the form of taco shells. Mistakes happen. In
this case, the cost of the mistake for the seed producer came to light
recently when the Iowa Attorney General announced
that Aventis CropScience will pay somewhere between $100 million and
$1 billion in damages to farmers whose corn proceeds were reduced because
StarLink corn was commingled with other corn through no fault of the farmers.
Two of our favorite writers, Kurt Eichenwald and Gina Kolata,
contributed to a long article in The New York
Times (1/25/01) that tells the
story of Monsanto and other companies in managing the entry of
genetically altered food into markets. Here’s our favorite quote about the
methods used to introduce genetically altered foods from Robert Shapiro, vice
chairman of Pharmacia, which acquired Monsanto: “We've learned that
there is often a very fine line between scientific confidence on the one hand
and corporate arrogance on the other. It was natural for us to see this as a
scientific issue. We didn't listen very well to people who insisted that
there were relevant ethical, religious, cultural, social and economic issues
as well.” When
does your confidence turn into arrogance? Do your methods of quality control
ensure that you don’t face significant damages in the future as a result of
how your products are used? What makes you sure that the impact of your
decisions does no harm? How well do you listen to people whose perspective is
different from your own? Can you think right now of three or four people who
can give you a different point of view about something important to your
organization? Do they feel that you listen to them and to their concerns? Pay up Most corporate pay plans
have inconsistencies that get corrected with revised pay plans that create new
inconsistencies. Most organizations are vulnerable when the administration of
their pay plans faces detailed scrutiny. Forbes columnist Dan
Seligman, one of our favorite writers, suggests (Forbes,
January 22, 2001) settling fast when faced with lawsuits in this area.
Seligman called attention to a press release from the Equal
Employment Opportunity Commission that announced a new compliance manual
on compensation discrimination. It seems that a change from “equal” to
“similar” in the manual opens the door to class action suits around pay
differences where similar jobs receive different pay, and gender or race
differences make the pay scheme appear discriminatory. Heads up or pay up. To what extent
are you confident that your pay schemes are immune to successful
discrimination claims? When was the last time you personally looked for
troublesome patterns in pay within your organization? Are human resources
professionals in whom you place confidence answering your questions in this
area? Booby on the Bridge Our best leaders know how to distinguish one thing from another and
steer an organization on a clear course. Tarquino
Arevalo, captain of the oil
vessel, Jessica, when making an unscheduled
stop at San Cristobal, mistook a lighthouse for a buoy, and ended up smashing
the ship on rocks in aptly named Shipwreck Bay, spilling tons of oil near the
Galapagos Islands. Ecuador has arrested Captain Arevalo who may face up to
five years in prison for his mistake, which he has admitted (International Herald Tribune 1/25/01). “I didn’t do it on purpose.
This has nothing to do with my crew. It was my fault, not theirs. The truth
is I didn’t even know the rock was there. It was over-confidence on my part.
I am completely to blame.” Meanwhile, rare species like the red-footed booby
and blue-footed booby may face problems should the oil not be cleaned up
quickly. So far, four penguins are dead, and a dozen sea lions were smeared
with oil. When do you know that you’re off course? Can you distinguish the difference between a lighthouse and a buoy in navigating the ship you steer? What rocks are you unaware of? How quickly would you accept complete responsibility for your actions when things go wrong? How easily would you absolve your crew? If a Tree FallsWeighing in
consumers notice when the weight of inexpensive packaged goods changes
slightly. According to The New York
Times (1/2/01), some companies
have found an effective way to increase prices for the new year: put less
product in the package. “In our business, there are certain magical price
points: 99 cents, $1.29, $2.99,” said Lynn Markley, spokeswoman for Frito-Lay,
a division of Pepsico. “We’ve learned that we need to stay within
them.” “If you want to keep faith with the customers, be honest with them,”
said Carol Tucker Foreman, food policy director of the Consumer
Federation of America. Every label discloses the weight and price, so
these companies are providing honest information to consumers. For products
with weight standards, like a gallon of milk, price changes are easily
noticed. It’s pretty easy to hide price changes on a bag of pretzels, for
example, where there are no standards for bag size. Are you more inclined to want your customers to know what you’re doing, or to meet their need for stable pricing, and your need for profitability by hiding some changes from them? Does an educated customer help or hurt your business? How would you reconcile a customer’s desire for price stability with a customer’s preference for honesty in this situation? Do you feel that packaging disclosure is adequate? SlipperyTolerated, not
Global enterprises face ethical challenges
when doing business in places with different value systems. The
Wall Street Journal (1/9/01) reported that during a British
parliamentary hearing on overseas corruption, executives from two leading
companies described their bribery practices. “Stephen Williams, joint
secretary and general counsel for Anglo-Dutch food company Unilever,
said modest payments were ‘tolerated, not encouraged,’ as long as they met
several conditions. These included that the payment is small, designed to
facilitate something that is to happen anyway, in line with local practice,
and a public transaction. Reg Hinkley, group vice president and
general auditor of BP Amoco, said managers often have to make tough
judgments in difficult situations. He said that these payments may be made
sometimes to prevent delays, rather than to gain an unfair advantage over
competitors. ‘I don't think it's the beginning of a slippery slope -- it's
not something that we like,’ Mr. Hinkley said.” We’re not sure how Unilever
communicated the several conditions for issuing “modest payments,” or how BP
employees distinguish between preventing delays and gaining “an unfair
advantage.” How clearly do your employees know how to behave when faced with challenging ethical situations? How do you communicate your expectations to them? Do you think the approaches used by Unilever and BP are reasonable and practical? How slippery is your organization’s ethical slope? Follow UpHere are selected updates
on stories covered in prior issues of Executive Times: Ø The January 2001
issue of Executive Times
mentioned in the lead story a Fortune list of the 100 Best Companies
to Work for. Business Week also started the year with a list, the Top 25 Managers.
Yawn. Somewhat more interesting was the list of managers to watch during
2001. If someone were watching your performance this year, what are they
likely to see? Will you be at the top of your game in 2001? Ø We mentioned some aspects of the transition in
leadership at GE in the January 2001
issue of Executive Times. A detailed
description of the GE succession process appeared in Fortune (1/8/01). LegaciesHe put the H in H-P Bill Hewlett had a way of working with
employees that changed management styles for thousands of companies during
the 20th century. Along with co-founder David Packard,
Hewlett laid the foundation for Silicon Valley and a workplace at Hewlett-Packard
that values the contribution of individual workers, and gives them a stake in
the business. The
New York Times (1/12/01) said,
“Despite his position and great wealth, Hewlett lacked all pretense --
delighting in working on new products side-by-side with employees or playing
penny ante poker with them.” Hewlett died in his sleep of natural causes on
January 12 at age 87. H-P CEO Carly Fiorina said, “Our hearts go out
to the families, as we join them in mourning the loss of a great and gentle
man. We, as stewards of his legacy, will cherish and nurture Bill's bright
spirit of invention, remembering and celebrating the rich heritage that he
and Dave entrusted us with.” Reading (Note: readers of the web version of Executive Times can click on the
book covers or titles to order copies directly from amazon.com. When you order through these links,
Hopkins & Company receives a small payment from amazon.com. Subscribers to the print version of Executive Times
can receive the web version at no additional cost. Send e-mail to hopkinsandcompany@att.net with a
request to be placed on the web version distribution list. Also, not all books we read make it to the
pages of Executive
Times. Check out http://www.hopkinsandcompany.com/bookshelf.html
for other book selections. For expanded reviews of Executive Times selections and other books,
visit our book review site at http://www.hopkinsandcompany.com/books/list.htm.
Note the new star rating system for 2001.) Be Strong
As an
interesting corollary to Now,
Discover Your Strengths, you may want to track down a copy of Overcoming
Your Strengths: 8 Reasons Why Successful People Derail and How to Get Back on
Track by Lois P. Frankel. A long-time Executive
Times subscriber and friend recommended this book some time ago.
Frankel’s premise is that the strengths that got you where you are may not be
the ones you need to succeed from here forward. She proposes that any
strength taken to the extreme becomes your greatest liability (which
Buckingham would disagree with). For a longer review, visit http://www.hopkinsandcompany.com/books/Overcoming
Your Strengths.htm. Recommendation: • (Read if your interest is strong). Fertile Ground In his many cold war novels, John
LeCarre presented readers with characters like George Smiley and Magnus
Pym whose behavior and thinking highlighted the alienation between
individuals and the institutions with which they affiliated. In The
Constant Gardener, LeCarre introduces us to Justin Martin, a career
diplomat and gardener. After the murder of his young wife, Tessa, Justin
methodically and carefully tracks down her killers. His constancy is in his
loyalty and devotion David Cornwall (pen name is LeCarre) is one of the finest English
writers, and as with all fine novelists, his books can be read and
interpreted at many levels. The
Constant Gardener leaves the reader with plenty to think about. Like his
flowers, Justin Martin seems to bloom into a different species as we join his
pursuit of Tessa’s murderers. There were seeds inside him that germinated
along the way, and he became a stronger figure as the book progressed. The
flawed actions by corporate executives become cloaked in the impersonality of
the corporation, and invisible to those trying to flush them out of hiding.
Can immorality be corporate, or is wrongdoing found only in the actions of
individuals? . You can sample chapter one of this book at: http://www.nytimes.com/books/first/l/lecarre-gardener.html.
For a longer review of this book, visit http://www.hopkinsandcompany.com/books/The
Constant Gardener.htm. Recommendation: •••• (Highly recommended). Catbert’s Manifesto
ã 2001
Hopkins and Company, LLC. Executive
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