Executive Times |
2006 Book Reviews |
Monkey by Nick Laird |
Rating: |
** |
(Mildly Recommended) |
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title or picture to buy from amazon.com |
Aping Nick Laird’s debut novel, Utterly
Monkey, contains some moments of wit, cleverness, and plot surprises, but
generally remains adolescent, perhaps a key element of this genre called “lad
lit.” Protagonist Danny Williams plods away as a lawyer for a My office worker’s collar
turned unselfconsciously up . . . I return home . . . feeling a slight, confused concern that I may have lost for ever both my umbrella and the dignity of my soul. Fernando Pessoa THURSDAY,
8 JULY 2004 A minute after waking,
Danny padded into his shower. His mornings were efficient. He dressed in
beige cords, a blue shirt that he rubbed at for a bit with an iron that
leaked and was only ever tepid, and strapped his black cycle helmet on his
wet hair. His leather satchel slung over his shoulder, he lifted his bike off
the hook on the garden wall and set off through the smouldering
traffic to work. Geordie shifted from facing the back of the sofa to facing
the room. He farted a slow crescendo and went back to sleep. Danny locked his bike in the underground car park and
walked through the office courtyard to a side door into his building. Danny
worked at Monks & Turner, a His school had filled out his application for When he arrived at Monks, a grimy Monday in September, he
had sat in Corporate, specifically insurance work. His trainer had just
moved into the new office they were going to share. Their new name plaques, James Motion and, underneath of
course, and slightly smaller, Daniel
Williams, had been put up to replace Townsend Hopkins. Townsend was an
infamous old boy partner who’d been given the heave-ho for not bringing the
work in. The firm constantly restored itself like that. It put Danny in mind
of some vast ruminant. The main entrance, painted, polished, was its mouth,
the corridors and meeting rooms served as intestines and organs, and the
lawyers were like teeth, yellowy-pale, vaiying in
sharpness, and renewable. Like teeth, they varied not only in sharpness but
also in purpose, and some would get clients, others retain them. All, though,
were grinders. Danny, when he qualified, had joined Litigation, the only seat
he’d done which felt like law, and he was now a two-and-a-half-year qualified
solicitor-advocate in the Commercial Litigation department specializing in
International Arbitration. Danny sometimes thought that the only job worth
doing was one which was covered by one word. Plumber. Joiner. Farmer. A year ago Danny’d been given
his own office, about the size of a garden shed. When his three bookcases and
two filing cabinets had initially arrived he’d felt slightly claustrophobic.
Now he felt snug. He could reach almost everything in his room from his desk.
His computer screen faced the window. He faced the door. His desk had a panelled front on it and Danny had developed the habit of
nipping below it, where he kept a duck-down sleeping bag and a cushion
embroidered with sunflowers that his sister had made, for a kip either before, during, or after lunch. He would make sure
the route to his desk was barricaded by briefcase and recycling box, then
slink off his seat, suddenly boneless. Danny’s central friend at Monks was Albert Rollson, a Brummie who’d
ditched his accent in favour of a mid-Atlantic
twang. Rollson was neurotic. His terrors included
other people’s illnesses and he would get out of a lift at the next floor if
someone in it coughed or sneezed. He’d flinch if someone accidentally came
too close or brushed against him in passing, and grimaced if hugged. Which is not to say that he was cold, he simply, proudly, possessed
an over-developed sense of propriety. It informed his distrust of
Antipodeans. And Americans. And Europeans. And was the reason he worked in
law. He was born to its hierarchy, its wheels within wheels, its concurrent bitchings and slobberings, its
dog-eat-dog, backstab, leapfrog. And it allowed him to dress like Cary Grant. Danny had shared an office with Rollson
when they had qualified, two years after arriving at Monks. They had argued
relentlessly over plants. Danny’s view was that offices are the ugliest, most
sterile places in the world. Everything is synthetic. You see nothing that is
actually growing, bar the perceptible fattening of some of the most sedentary
lawyers and secretaries. Danny wanted a real plant in the room. He told Rollson that the lack of flora in the workplace was the
reason lawyers started office affairs. There was nothing else to look at but
people. The obscene clashing decor, the generic tacky prints, the background
corporate hum from air conditioning, VDU and photocopier: people looked at
each other more closely. Rollson however,
perpetually single, quite liked the idea of people looking at him more
closely. Plants were there simply to steal more of his oxygen in a city where
there was scarcely enough anyway. He was allergic to anything natural. On a
school outing to a stables near Danny walked into his corridor. He noted that the doors of
Andrew Jackson, departmental senior partner, and Adam Vyse,
departmental managing partner, were open. He removed his bag from his
shoulder, placed the helmet in it and carried it close to his body. In this
way, and by performing two complicated body-spins at just the right moments,
he could walk past the partners’ doors without it being immediately apparent
that he was just arriving. It was 9.43 a.m. Geordie stretched out an arm to the coffee table,
encountered the remote control and switched on Trisha. He noticed that he’d drooled on his pillow. Danny’s phone was flashing. This always scared him a
little. Either it was a message from last night (which meant that somebody
had expected him to be there after he’d left) or from this morning (which
meant that somebody had expected him to be there before he’d arrived). In
the worst case scenario (the WCS, as Rollson would
have called it) there would be two messages from the same partner, one from
last night and one from this morning, and in the very WCS, that partner would
be Adam Vyse. Danny listened to his messages. Two.
First message, yesterday: 7.05 p.m.
Carrie, Adam’s calm and pretty secretary, was cooing that Adam wanted to see
him as soon as possible. He loved the fact that Carrie refused to say a.s.ap. We’re not Americans, Danny always
thought when he heard it used, we have time to say the whole sentence. Second
message, today: 8.11 a.m. Adam. ‘Danny, give me a ring soon as you’re in.
Something big’s come up.’ Ach fuck, Danny said, a little too loudly. Vyse was notorious for handing out
difficult work and not supervising it. He would demand a briefing just prior
to seeing a client and then, in the meeting, repeat to the client what you
had just told him, word for word, before turning to you, smiling
encouragingly, and asking whether you agreed with his preliminary views. Danny stood at Vyse’s
open door. He was leaning back in his leather easy chair, with his tailored
arms crossed behind his slicked head and the phone cradled between his neck
and chin. For a debut novel, Utterly
Monkey, is readable and enjoyable, just not
memorable, nor particularly well-written. Some readers will read Utterly
Monkey, knowing that Laird’s wife, novelist Zadie
Smith, was around the house when he wrote it. Steve Hopkins,
April 24, 2006 |
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The recommendation rating for
this book appeared in the May 2006
issue of Executive Times URL for this review: http://www.hopkinsandcompany.com/Books/Utterly
Monkey.htm For Reprint Permission,
Contact: Hopkins & Company, LLC • E-mail: books@hopkinsandcompany.com |