Executive Times






2007 Book Reviews


The Poe Shadow by Matthew Pearl




(Mildly Recommended)




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Matthew Pearl’s new novel, The Poe Shadow, presents an ambitious attempt to take the historical facts about Poe’s death and frame them into a compelling story. A young Baltimore attorney, Quentin Clark, observes Poe’s small funeral cortege, and becomes intently focused on Poe to the exclusion of everything else in his professional and personal life. Patient readers will enjoy many parts of The Poe Shadow, but most will be put off by one or more components of what makes this work uneven. At many points, the opportunity cries out for Poe himself, but he is always elusive. More use of Poe’s own writing might have helped. The replication of 19th century writing styles can become a strain for readers, or at least it gets tiring. Finally, the details and plot twists create interest, but at times that interest wanes when the pace slows. Here’s an excerpt, from the beginning of Chapter 8, pp. 90-93:


Had this all been a tremendous mistake, a product of some deliri­ous compulsion to be involved in something outside my usual scope and responsibility? If only I had been content with the warmth and reliabil­ity of Hattie and Peter! Hadn’t there been a time in childhood when I needed no more than the swirling hearth of Glen Eliza and my trusted playmates? Why turn my heart and my plans over to a man like Duponte, encased alone in a moral prison so far from my own home?

I determined to combat my gloominess and occupy myself by visiting the places that, according to the advice of my Paris guidebook, “must be seen by the stranger:’

First, I toured the palace at the Champs-1~lysees, where Louis-Napoleon, president of the Republic, lived in rich splendor. At the great hall of the Champs-Elysées, a stout servant in laced livery accepted my hat and offered a wooden counter in its place.

In one of the first suites of rooms in which the public is permitted, there was the chance to see Louis-Napoleon himself—Prince Napoleon. This was not the first time I had glimpsed the president of the Republic and nephew of the once-great Emperor Napoleon, who was still the people’s favorite symbol of France. A few weeks earlier, Louis-Napoleon was riding through the streets down Avenue de Marigny, reviewing his scarlet-and-blue-clad soldiers. Duponte had watched with interest, and (as he had still tolerated my companionship then) I had accompanied him.

Crowds on the street cheered, and those dressed most expensively yelled out with passion, “Vive Napoleon!” At these moments, when the president was but an indistinct figure on his horse surrounded by guards, it was easy to see a resemblance, though faint, to the other sovereign Napoleon parading through the cheers of forty years earlier. Some said it was Louis-Napoleon’s name alone that had recently elected the president-prince. It was reported that illiterate laborers in the poorer countryside of France thought they were voting for the original Napoleon Bonaparte (by now dead some three decades)!

But there were also twenty or so men, with faces, hands, and throats stained in black soot, repeating, in frightful chants, Vive Ia Republique!” One of my neighbors in the crowd said they were sent by the “Red party” to protest. How shouting “Long live the Republic” was considered a protest or insult in an official Republic was beyond my understanding of the current political state. I suppose it was their tone that made the words threatening, and that made the term “Republic” fearful to the fol­lowers of this president, as if they were saying instead, “This is no Re­public, for with this man it is a sham, but one day we shall overthrow it arid have a true Republic without him!”

Here at his palace he seemed a more contemplative man, quite pale, mild, and thoroughly a gentleman. Napoleon was flushed with satisfac­tion at the crowd of mostly uniformed people around him, many of whose breasts sparkled with impressively gilded decorations. Yet, I ob­served, too, a painful sense of awkwardness elicited by the reverence with which the president-prince was treated—one moment a monarch, the next an elected president.

Just then, Prefect of Police Delacourt came in from the next chamber and conferred quietly with President Napoleon. I was surprised to notice the prefect glaring quite impolitely in the direction in which I stood.

That unwanted attention expedited my departure from the Champs­Elysées. There was still the palace of Versailles to see, and my guidebook advised leaving first thing in the morning when traveling there, but I de­cided that it was not too late in the day to enjoy a full visit to the suburbs of the city. Besides, Duponte had advised me to visit Versailles—perhaps if he knew I had he would be more inclined to speak to me.

Once the railroad tracks exit Paris, the metropolis abruptly disappears, giving itself over to continuous vast open country. Women of all ages, wearing carnation-colored bonnets and laboring in the fields, briefly met my gaze as our train rattled by them.

We stopped at the Versailles railway station. The crowd nearly picked me up and carried me into a stream of hats and trimmed bonnets that ended under the iron gates of the great palace of Versailles, where the running water of the fountains could be heard at play.


Thinking back, I suppose it must have begun while I was touring the palace’s suites. I felt the sting of general discomfort, as when wearing a coat a bit too thin for the first winter day. I attributed my uneasiness to the crowds. The mob that had driven away the Duchess d’Angouleme from these walls was surely not as boisterous as this one. As my guide pointed out which battles were depicted in the various paintings, I was distracted by feeling so many sets of eyes on me.

“In this gallery,” said my guide, “Louis the Fourteenth displayed all the grandeur of royalty. The court was so splendid that even in this enor­mous chamber the king would be pressed round by the courtiers of the day’ We were in the grand gallery of Louis XIV, where seventeen arched windows overlooking the gardens faced seventeen mirrors across from them. I wondered whether the notion of a monarch was more attractive now that the late revolution had vanquished it.

I think my guide, whom I had hired at a franc an hour, had become tired of my distractedness over the course of the afternoon. I fear he thought I was ignorant of the finer qualities of history and art. The truth was, my distinct sense of being observed had been growing steadily—and in that hail of mirrors prodigal gazes were everywhere.

I began to take note of those people who recurred in the different suites. I had convinced my guide to modify our path through the palace—an alien idea to him, clearly. Meanwhile, he did not help my mental state when he turned to the topic of foreigners in Paris.

“They would know much about how you’re spending your time here— you being a young energetic man,” he mused, perhaps looking for a way to vex me.

            “Who would know about me, monsieur?”

“The police and the government, of course. There is nothing that hap­pens in Paris that is not known to someone.”

“But, monsieur, I fear there is nothing so interesting enough about me.”

“They would hear all from the masters of your hotel, from the commissionnaires who watch you leave and return, from fiacre drivers, sell­ers of vegetables, wine-shop masters. Yes, monsieur, I suppose there is nothing you can do that they cannot discover.”

In my current state of nervousness, this commentary did not endear me. I paid him what I owed and dismissed him from his service. Without my guide I could now move faster, weaving through the slow gatherings of mobs in each chamber. I noticed behind me some commotion, men huffing and women exclaiming over some disturbance. It seemed some of the tourists were complaining about someone who was rudely pushing through the crowd. I turned into the next chamber, not waiting to see who had been the culprit of the strife. Meanwhile, I dodged every figure and expensive furnishing in my path until I reached the palace’s im­mense gardens.

“Here he is! He’s the one plowing through the place!”

As I heard this voice, a hand caught my arm. It was a guard.

“I?” I protested. “Why, I was not pushing anyone!”

Alter it was reported to the guard that the man rudely pushing through was spotted behind us, I was released into the gardens and quickly created distance between the guard and myself in the event he changed his mind. I would soon wish I had not left the safety of being at his side.

I thought back to Madame Fouché warning me about the dangerous areas of Paris. “There are men and women who will rob you and then throw you over the bridge into the Seine,” she had said. It was from this population that the revolutionaries in March 1848 drew most of their “soldiers” to force out King Louis-Philippe and establish the Republic in the name of the people. A hackney cab driver told me that during that uprising he saw one of these villains, surrounded by police and about to be shot, yell, Je suis bien venge!” and remove fifteen or sixteen human tongues from his pockets. He tossed them into the air before dying, and they landed on the shoulders and hats of the police, and even in one po­liceman’s mouth, which had dropped open in disbelief at the disgusting sight.

I was in the plush sanctuary of Versailles’s immaculate gardens, not in one of these neighborhoods of tongue-cutters. Still, I had the sensation that each step I made was being marked. The sharp hedges and trees of the gardens revealed fragments of faces. Passing rows of statues, vases, and fountains, I came to a standstill at the God of Day, a hideous deity rising up from a splashing fountain of dolphins and sea-monsters. How much more secure I might have been inside the suites of the palace, sur­rounded by hordes of visitors and my busybody guide! It was then that a man appeared in front and snatched my arm.



Fans of historical fiction will enjoy The Poe Shadow, while fans of Poe will not find enough of him here. Those readers with adequate patience to overcome the prose style will be rewarded with an interesting tale.


Steve Hopkins, March 23, 2007



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*    2007 Hopkins and Company, LLC


The recommendation rating for this book appeared

 in the April 2007 issue of Executive Times


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